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Monday, June 17, 2024

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Israel doesn’t want peace in the Middle East

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Israel’s reaction to the announcements by Norway, Ireland, and Spain recognising the State of Palestine was expected. This is how authoritarian regimes respond when things don’t go their way.

After all, the Israelis themselves assassinated their prime minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, on November 4, 1995, shortly after he co-signed the Oslo Peace Accords with the historic Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

The intentions of these three European countries are historic, even though the State of Palestine should have been recognised long ago as a step towards peace in the region.

It is a message to Israel, clearly asserting the need for coexistence and recognition of the right to self-determination for the long-suffering Palestinian people.

It is a condemnation of Israeli authoritarianism and the genocidal campaign that has been unfolding for decades.

Because if there is one party that does not want a resolution to the Palestinian issue, it is Israel. This was evident in the blackmail attempts by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ethnic cleansing campaigns in the Gaza Strip, as well as the mafia-style attacks by settlers and soldiers in the West Bank.

Therefore, recognising the State of Palestine is a matter of humanity’s survival, even if it means isolating Israel to achieve this. It must be done swiftly to put an end to the slaughter.


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