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Greek Foreign Ministry΄s announcement on the swearing-in ceremony of the President of North Macedonia

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During today’s ( Sunday) swearing-in ceremony in Parliament, and in spite of the fact that the official text of the oath that was read out to her referred to the country as “ North Macedonia,” the new President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, chose to call her country “ Macedonia.”

This act is a flagrant violation of the Prespa Agreement and the Constitution of our neighbouring country, which has been brought into line with North Macedonia’s international obligations. In spite of the objections it voiced as an opposition party during the ratification of the Prespa Agreement, the current Greek government respected as ratified the international agreement, which overrides any other provision of law.

In this context, Greece categorically states that further progress in its bilateral relations with North Macedonia, as well as progress in the latter’s European course, depends upon the full implementation of the Prespa Agreement and principally the use of the country’s constitutional name.


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