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Where do we live?

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The above question resonates with many aspects of Cypriot reality. Recently, it has been related to the “Sodom and Gomorrah” of the Monastery of Saint Habakkuk and the revelations that have come to light.

Another fitting phrase is that nothing surprises us on this island. Not even the presence of the former Chief of Police and the President of ELAM at the Bishopric of Tamassos, when they were counting the money confiscated from the Monastery.

What should be surprising is the naturalness with which they responded to the clarifications requested by journalists. The party leader, whose philosophy coincides with the presence of hooded men, said that he was an observer as a member of the throne committee, although his name was not found in the official records of the Bishopric.

The other, whose name is also not found on the Metropolis website, simply said that he was a friend of Isaiah and that there was nothing reprehensible about the whole situation.

Will there be any investigation beyond the ecclesiastical process? Will there be accountability for the advancement, or will they be silenced as usual?

Indeed, where do we live?


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