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Education ministry announces measures addressing teacher appointments

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The Ministry of Education has issued a statement regarding the matter of new appointments in education, emphasizing corrective actions to address distortions in the legislation of the new appointment system (appointment lists).

This comes in response to the significant number of temporary/indefinite-term educators that has emerged in recent years.

In relation to the above issue, the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth provides the following information:

The increasing employment of temporary educators in school units in recent years, reaching up to 20% of the total educational staff placed in public schools, negatively impacts the smooth implementation of educational policies and the effective operation of school units.


  • The lack of job security for teaching staff hinders the smooth implementation of educational policies at the school unit level.
  • Employing such a large number of temporary educators creates difficulties in the timely staffing of schools, resulting in the loss of valuable teaching time. In many cases, students do not get to know their educators until October.
  • The absence of evaluation for temporary educators has obvious negative effects on the learning process and the quality of teaching.
  • The continuous relocations of temporary educators and their non-permanent employment cause feelings of insecurity among students and work-related stress for educators themselves.

Taking all of the above into consideration, the Ministry has decided and proposed to the Council of Ministers, which approved the proposal, the creation of a total of 604 additional permanent positions in all levels/directorates of education. The decision of the Council followed months of consultation with educational organizations and a detailed study of the issue by the Ministry.

This decision does not impose a significant burden on the state budget, as the additional total annual expenditure does not exceed two million euros.

Additionally, the decision aligns with best practices followed in other EU member countries, where the percentage of temporary educators is much lower.

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