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No ransom paid to hackers after attacks on public sector websites

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No ransom has been paid to retrieve data from institutions affected by recent cyberattacks, the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, Philippos Hadjizacharias said.

The Deputy Minister was responding to a question during a House Standing Committee on Development Plans and Public Expenditure Control session on Thursday.

The meeting focused on the economic repercussions of recent cyberattacks on the public and wider public sectors, particularly against the Land Registry, the University of Cyprus, and the Open University.

When asked if the hackers had successfully stolen any data, the Deputy Minister confirmed that no data had been stolen from the Land Registry. He further mentioned that, according to information provided by the police, the identity of the hackers remains unknown.

Hadjizacharias clarified that the cyberattack on the Land Registry differed from the one that targeted the Open University, where personal data had been compromised.

Regarding the availability of employees within the Deputy Ministry who possess the necessary expertise to prevent such attacks in the future, Hadjizacharias responded negatively.

Read more:

Fear hackers will release more personal data from Open University

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