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Installation of additional security infrastructure at Pournara migrant centre begins

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After the exceptionally violent incidents at Pournara migrant reception centre in Nicosia in October the government has speeded up the installation of additional security infrastructure aiming to prevent uncontrolled movement.

Specifically, a second metal fence aiming to prevent the escape of migrants from the Centre is now under the process of installation around the perimeter of Pournara.

And since there will be a security strip from the existing one already around the Centre, police officers will be able to better patrol the area, Philenews reports.

Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris had announced the project was expected to be completed by March 2023. But since urgency was considered vital he personally intervened for completion to come earlier. Bulldozers were sent to the area on Tuesday to demarcate the area where the fence will be installed.

This will be four metres high and essentially make it impossible for migrants to escape from the structure.

The second fence was decided after it became obvious that there were scattered holes in the existing one through which the residents were coming in and going out uncontrollably.

Residents of Kokkinotrimithia have been complaining for some time that the area has become a ghetto where migrants stir trouble and petty crime has become a norm.

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