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Cyprus mulls Commissioner nominees as EU top jobs loom

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Cyprus is weighing potential nominees for its next European Commissioner as Brussels prepares for a shake-up of top EU jobs, with the incumbent health chief, Stella Kyriakides, among the names circulating, a report said on Thursday.

President Nikos Christodoulides has not ruled out reappointing Kyriakides for another term, the EU news website Politico reported.

Other names mentioned as possible candidates include former finance minister Haris Georgiades, ex-energy minister Yiorgos Lakkotrypis and current foreign minister Konstantinos Kombos.

Politico writes that while some expect Christodoulides to replace Kyriakides, whose performance in Brussels has been viewed as “mixed at best”, her reappointment chances could increase closer to elections as balancing other ambitions becomes harder.

Cyprus may again get the health portfolio, Politico said, though “the Cypriot shipping lobby is pushing for the transport portfolio”.

Members states nominate candidates for the College of Commissioners, who are then chosen by the incoming president. Nominees face hearings before the European Parliament confirms their appointments.

A new Commission leadership will take over later this year after May’s European Parliament elections.

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